Sniper Robot Technology and remote control Military weapons

Iranian nuclear scientist Mohsen Fakhrizadeh was assassinated with a remote-controlled machine gun, according to Iranian officials. If this is true, then this method will be the most popular although it is not the first incident in which this technology is used.

Remote controlled weapons have a long history. Back in World War II, the B-29 Soerfortric (B29 Superfortress) in the first replacement of the soldiers of the five towers located at various points on the plane mirrors network connected computers working “vision station”.

When the gunner points at a target device, the rudimentary computer – which was in use at the time as a central fire-fighting system manufactured by General Electric – calculates the displacement required to direct the cannons where they should be pointing.

The towers are installed on the aircraft, which each carrying guns of 0.50 caliber machine guns, which dropped the deadly one seven Japanese fighters in one of them. These remote towers continued in use until early releases of the US Air Force’s B-52 bomber.

At the same time, a completely different type of remote-controlled weapon appeared on the black market. It was detailed in a 2016 US Army report by Robert Pinker and Alma Keshavars entitled “Terrorist and Insurgent Sniper Rifles and Machine Rifles.”

The report reveals an entire subculture of engineers and craftsmen working on their inventions in garage workshops across a wide area.

The Free Syrian Army – which operates in and around the city of Aleppo – was one of the first and most productive users of robots, but weapons have also spread to Shiite militias, Kurdish fighters in Iraq, and other armed groups including ISIS, according to the report.

Although the technology is not as advanced as the Cruze installed on US Army vehicles, it is certainly effective, and these remote weapons achieve the goal of accurately firing a firearm. Weapons range from assault rifles to light machine guns to 50 caliber sniper rifles.

Robots compete to hunt snipers in the Navy Challenge

Competition was held in 2019 the US Navy to find out whether robots can simulate the performance of the task to hunt snipers. Ohz task, in theory, perfectly suited for robotics devices that can read the environment sensed differently from human eyes, where synthetic their bodies lack the flesh that would like snipers targeted.

In order for robots to be effective at the mission, they need to complete a set of static missions: navigating in space, finding snipers, placing shots on target, and returning to where they were launched.

The competition was launched in 2015 and held every two years and requires teams to create “self-vehicle ground control fully with artificial intelligence to neutralize the yard serious battle.” (Secondary goal of the competition is to promote teamwork between the teams in charge of building robots).

While the fake ammunition was stripped battlefield, exercise was designed to show the complete independence, leaving humans to run machines and then move away from the road while they select the target and shoot. Use all members of the vehicle floor of an uninhabited group of Claibat (Clearpath) and Robotics Jakal (Robotics Jackal) as a basis for Robutem. The above required competitions of teams building both hardware and software for the robot from scratch, with the same body Android standard, and managed teams of 2019 to focus on independent features to fight the robot.

This was the competition a simple look of what is trying to modern armies use in the battlefield in the future, although the unmanned aircraft had seated pilots on the ground for a long time, but the need for soldiers active in the battle ground is still necessary, these robots are currently designed to work on specific tasks, and They can exchange soldiers on the battlefield, at least for now.