5 Unique Things That are only in Asia

a list of 5 unique things i have found in Asia , actually asia is more than the words can describe it’s totally a difrent world if you visit it , it’s a charming mix between the nature ,history and the future .

in this article i only listed 5 things to start with between endless worthy things to talk about .

1. Young looking:

Asians are often said to look at lot younger than they really are, and statistics show that Asian women enjoy better health and longer lives. For instance, more than 50,000 people in Japan are above the age of 100, and China has a low rate of breast cancer.

It’s not just the diet that’s affecting it. There’s a long kept secret that makes Asian women look younger than women of other races: genetics and physical characteristics.

Just have a look at these people! They look like they are at most, 25 years old. But actually is 44 and is 53. 

2. Avatar like world

Asia is very rich in wonderful places! And one of these is the Zhangjiajie National Forest Park. It is located in Zhangjiajie City in China. The pillar-like rock formations will transport you out of reality. Hiking, photography, and adventure aficionados will find a whole parallel universe full of beauty here.

3. Teeth blackening tradition in some Asian countries.

The practice of blackening teeth continues among many minority groups in China, Pacific Islands and Southeast Asia. It is mainly prevalent in older women, though the practice is still carried on by some younger women. Sometimes artificial teeth are used to achieve blackened teeth.

4. Napping everywhere

When you are riding the Tokyo metro, walking on the street, or working in a Japanese office, don’t be surprised to see people sleeping everywhere. People there are real workaholics and take the opportunity to nap for 30 minutes during their commute so that they feel better. and the nap at work is samething respected even by the Boss.

5. The sloth bear is an insectivorous bear that exists only in Asia.

The sloth bear is a vegetarian and eats only fruits, honey, tubers, and insects. This type of bear now exists only in Asia.

Sloth bears live in a variety of dry and moist forests and in some tall grasslands, where boulders, scattered shrubs and trees provide shelter. Their range includes India, Sri Lanka and southern Nepal. Historically, sloth bears have also been reported in Bangladesh and Bhutan, but it is unclear whether sloth bears are still present in the wild of these countries. They are currently considered extirpated, or no longer present, in Bangladesh and may also be absent from Bhutan.