Extreme beauty of ‘Thungsa goddess’ in Songkran 2019 in Thailand

The beauty chosen to be the goddess of Thungsa this year is no stranger, the actress lead of the hit film “Friend Zone” – Baifern Pimchanok.

According to the tradition of the Golden Temple, during the annual Songkran festival, a beauty will be chosen to play the role of one of the 7 daughters of Thao Kabinlaphrom – the god of the sky to parade to pray for a favorable new year.

Legend has it that Nang Songkran is named Nang Thungsa (Tungsatevee). She wore a red dress, pomegranate flower and ruby jewelry; her right hand was holding a serrated disc. And during the Songkran 2019 festival, the main actress in the movie Friend Zone premiered not long ago – Baifern Pimchanok was assigned to transform into the beautiful goddess Thungsa.