Boris Johnson spends night in hospital for tests due to ‘persistent’ coronavirus symptoms

Boris Johnson has spent the night hospital to undergo tests for “persistent” coronavirus symptoms after being diagnosed with the illness ten days ago. 

It came following advice from his doctor and is said to be a “precautionary step”, according to a Downing Street spokesman. 
He said: “The Prime Minister thanks NHS staff for all of their incredible hard work and urges the public to continue to follow the Government’s advice to stay at home, protect the NHS and save lives.”
Johnson posted a video on March 27th stating that he had tested positive for the virus and was experiencing “mild symptoms”.
“I am now self-isolating, but I will continue to lead the government’s response via video-conference as we fight this virus,” he said in late March.
Johnson’s pregnant fiancée Carrie Symonds said on Twitter over the weekend that she had spent a week in bed with the symptoms of coronavirus but that she was feeling better.
Health minister Matt Hancock also tested positive for the virus and has since recovered from the illness and is back at work. England’s chief medical officer Chris Whitty is self-isolating after experiencing COVID-19 symptoms as well.

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