A water well leads to a stunning two million year old scientific discovery


Scientists see the new discovery as an important source for understanding past climates

In a stunning scientific discovery, the University of “Matansa” in Argentina announced that local scientists have identified fossil remains of a species of frog, who lived in the country located in the South American continent about two million years ago.

“We don’t know much about prehistoric frogs,” said Federico Aniolan, a researcher at the Argentine Institute of Natural Sciences.

He added: “Frogs are greatly affected by climatic and environmental changes, so they are an important source of information to understand past climates.”

The discovery took place at a depth of 44 meters during the drilling of a water well in San Pedro, 180 km north of Buenos Aires.

The researcher stressed that the paleontologists found “the bone of the humerus very small amphibian being different from the dead frogs of trees.”

He emphasized that the small fossil was identified despite its size, because the petroats, a group of amphibians that include frogs and toads, have a special structure at the end of the humerus in the elbow joint.

This special structure provides it with great ductility, for fast movements and stability. 

“The discovery is a huge contribution to the paleontology of Argentina,” said Aniolan.