After the statue of the “slave dealer” was toppled in Britain .. Calls to destroy the pyramids of Giza in Egypt

The pyramids were among the most frequently discussed topics in Britain in the past hours, amid controversy over who built them.

This coincided with the removal of the statue of British slave merchant Edward Coulston, in the second day of protests condemning racism in the United Kingdom, after the death of an African American, George Floyd, by a white policeman in Minneapolis.

Colston is credited with participating in moving more than 80,000 people from Africa to the New World, where the Americas are, when he was a member of the Royal African Company during the seventeenth century.

Some have called for the destruction of the Egyptian pyramids of Giza, claiming that they were also built through the exploitation of slaves or slaves.

The controversy surrounding the pyramids prompted Twitter to pick news published in the British media about 10 years ago, to show it to its users when they search for the truth about building the pyramids with Obaid’s arms.

This news was a cover for what the Egyptian government announced, on January 11, 2010, the archaeological excavation of tombs of people who worked on building the pyramids, more than 4 thousand years old.

At that time, archaeologists considered that the revelation supported the evidence that the slaves did not build the ancient antiquities. At that time, the tombs were said to be built of mud at the time of the Fourth Pharaonic Dynasty. It was perfectly preserved, with beer and bread containers for the next life.

Meanwhile, Zahi Hawass, head of the Egyptian Tomb Excavation Team, said the discoveries showed that the pyramid builders were free workers who were paid workers, not slaves.

Hawass added, in a statement: “These tombs were built next to the pyramid of the king, which indicates that these people were not slaves in any way.” He explained: “If they were slaves, they would not be able to build their graves beside the tombs of their king.”