Italian artist inspire from Islamic and Ottoman motifs and Arabic words to build bridges between peoples


Islamic and Ottoman motifs occupy an important place in civilizations, and are present today with the works of the Italian artist Luigi Ballarin.

Ballarin, who frequently uses Islamic and Ottoman motifs in his artwork, looks to build bridges between peoples in the East and West through his paintings.

Ballarin, who was born in Venice, is considered one of the most famous Italian artists who lived most of their lives in Istanbul, and were able to blend the arts of the East and the West.

‘Byzantine pieces’

Ballarin, who spent most of his life in Istanbul, opened his last exhibition in the Italian capital, Rome, under the name “Byzantine Pieces”, and his participating paintings bore touches from the cities in which he lived.

Ballarin spoke to Anatolia, saying that “artistic elements inspired by Istanbul, the Ottoman Empire and Islam have always served as a source of inspiration in my paintings.”

He pointed out that preparations for organizing the exhibition in one of the famous hotels in Rome under the name of “Byzantine Pieces” began 6 months ago, noting that the exhibition includes 23 paintings and artworks.

He explained that “the horses in some of the paintings represent freedom, spirituality, and the rapprochement between Venice and Byzantium, but in an Ottoman artistic style.”

He pointed out that “almost all of the paintings participating in the exhibition contain artistic elements and Ottoman calligraphy representing baths, mosques or palaces in Istanbul.”

Use of Arabic words :

Regarding Arabic words found in some of his artistic works, Ballarin said, “Besides butterflies, my paintings contain Arabic words, meaning (love, peace, and freedom).”

He added, “Unfortunately, I do not know the Arabic language, but I use words from it in my paintings, because they make me feel that I am closer to Islam.”

Ballarin pointed out that his interest in Islam “stems from his family’s work in the Venetian glass industry, and their close business relations with many customers in the Arab countries.”