Representatives in the US Congress call on Pompeo to condemn Israel


On Tuesday, 40 Democratic lawmakers in the US Congress called on US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo to condemn Israel’s demolition of a “rural Bedouin community” in the West Bank, Palestine.

In a letter to Pompeo, the progressive Democrats accused Israel of carrying out “creeping annexation” in the Jordan Valley in the West Bank, a “violation of international law and a grave humanitarian cause.”

They asserted that “creeping annexation cannot be a policy supported by the United States government, if we want to see peace in the region.”

In their letter to Secretary Pompeo, they said, “It is imperative that the US government vehemently reject human rights violations and violations of international law in your last two months in office,” stressing that it is the only way through which “a comprehensive peaceful solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict can be achieved.”

This message comes in response to Israel’s demolition, on the third of November, of buildings that used to make up the Bedouin community in “Khirbet Homsa”, including more than 100 tents and a barn that served as a living space, a cooking space, storage places, animal pens, and water. And containers, and solar panels, which led to the displacement of 74 people, including 41 children, according to human rights organizations, according to the newspaper “The Hill”.

The Hill also indicated that this measure provoked more anger at the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs, which said that it was “the largest single demolition by Israel in the past decade.”

Source: The Hill