The secret of Japanese Diet for Long Life


There have been many and varied researches aiming to find means that can extend human life, as is the case with Japan, which ranks first in the world in terms of the number of centenarians. In the Land of the Rising Sun, more than 48 people out of every 100,000 people have lived for more than a century.

In her report, published by the Russian site “FB”, Natalia Smirnova said that experts have conducted many studies on this issue, and concluded that the average life expectancy of Japanese depends on their diet. Besides, the Japanese never complain of heart disease, and the death rates from these diseases are almost non-existent.

Japanese diet

Research by scientists from all over the world over a period of years aims to determine the relationship between nutrition and life expectancy in Japan, in an effort to find out if the longevity of Japanese people is related to the ingredients in their food.

An epidemiologist from the National Center for Gerontology and Gerontology in Japan, Xu Chang, believes that the Japanese national diet is a broad concept that cannot be reduced to one thing.

39 studies have identified key components of the Japanese diet, which is based on vegetables, sea products and soybeans.

Research has proven that these products have a remarkable effect on health, as they boost the body’s energy, improve mood and increase the average life span. Thanks to the Japanese following this diet, the death rate from heart disease and death is generally low. 

The most useful diet

Tohoku University Professor of Food and Molecular Biology, Tsuyoshi Tsudoki, studied the types of diets that prolong human life, and on this basis he conducted a study on two American and Japanese diets. The experiments were conducted on mice, where a quantity of food was frozen and then presented to them for 3 weeks.

The scientists found that although both systems contained the same amount of fats, proteins and carbohydrates, the mice that followed the Japanese diet had a low percentage of fat accumulated around the abdomen and low blood cholesterol. Trials have shown that it is better to eat fish instead of meat and rice instead of wheat.

According to Tsuyoshi, food ingredients are not the only factor that positively affects a person’s life expectancy and health, but also the way they cook. Fried foods are also absent in Japanese cuisine, and chefs often use steam or cook the normal way, and dishes contain a little salt and sugar and aromatic spices are used instead.