CIA Releases Thousands of UFO files to the Public

CIA releases thousands of UFO files

This week, the US Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) provided access to thousands of documents about unidentified flying objects in the process of unloading documents, which the agency says includes all their records of unidentified flying objects (UFO). .

The documents are currently available on the Black Vault, an online archive of government documents that have been declassified, after the site’s founder John Greenwald Jr. bought a CD Created by the CIA, it contains documents on UFOs.

About 2,700 pages were included in the set of documents, which the agency says are all the files it has about UFOs, but Greenwald indicated on his website that “there may not be a way to verify this information completely.”

Some reports, including mysterious explosions in a Russian town and another relating to a first-hand account of a strange sighting of a flying object near Baku (the capital of Azerbaijan) are among the stories you might expect to find in a science fiction novel rather than in official government documents.

But some documents are difficult to read and their uses remain unclear. Greenwald told Vice’s motherboard that the CIA had collected documents together in an “outdated” format that made analyzing documents difficult.

“The CIA has made it very difficult to use its records in a reasonable way. This old format makes it very difficult for people to see documents and use them for any research purpose,” Greenwald wrote to the platform.

The documents comes at a time when unidentified flying objects – or as the United States government calls them unidentified weather phenomena – have caught the attention of congressional lawmakers.

In fact, it is reported that Congress passed the government funding bill at the end of December, which included a $ 900 billion stimulus package to confront the Corona virus, and instructed the Director of National Intelligence and the Secretary of Defense to issue a report on unknown weather phenomena within 6 months.

The Senate Intelligence Committee, which wrote the directive, said that the intelligence and defense agencies should include in the report “any ties to hostile foreign governments, the threats they pose to US military assets and installations,” indicating that lawmakers are questioning whether an American opponent might be Responsible for strange sightings of UFOs.

3 leaked videos from the Ministry of Defense, which it eventually released last April, showed unknown objects in the airspace that were filmed in a video during training flights for pilots who could be heard indicating the speed and shapes of the objects.

Last August, the Department of Defense established a task force specialized in unknown weather phenomena “to discover, analyze and classify unknown weather phenomena that could pose a threat to the national security of the United States” after lawmakers pressured the ministry to conduct more serious investigations into observations of these phenomena following the publication The videos.

In an interview with a news station in Miami, Senator Marco Rubio, a Florida Republican who leads the Senate Intelligence Committee, indicated that lawmakers are more interested in the technological advancement of US adversaries than they are about indicators of extraterrestrial life. “Frankly, if this is something from outside the planet, it might be better than the fact that we have witnessed some kind of technological leap (and superiority on the part of) the Chinese or the Russians or some other opponent,” he said.

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