UK signs post Brexit trade deal with the European Union



The European Union officially signed a trade agreement regulating relations with Britain after “Brexit”.

Here is the essence of the deal between London and Brussels, which will take effect on January 1, 2021:

  • The free movement of people between Britain and the countries of the European Union, which consists of 27 countries, has stopped. From the beginning of next year, the British will need European visas to spend a long-term stay in European countries, and the same will apply to Europeans who will travel to the United Kingdom.
  • Free movement of goods is suspended: Customs points will be set up between the two parties, including points for health control, but customs duties will not be applied to trade between the two sides. London and Brussels also agreed to guarantee energy supplies between them.
  • The free movement of services between Britain and the European Union countries has stopped.
  • Freedom of air movement will be guaranteed.
  • Britain will pursue an independent foreign and defense policy, including issues related to sanctions.
  • Security cooperation between Britain, Europe and police in European Union countries will continue, including rapid exchange of data and cooperation in the field of threats such as epidemics.