Republicans Urge Biden to Remove Harris from Leading Role on Migration Crisis


More than 50 House Republicans are urging President Biden to remove Vice President Kamala Harris from her role dealing with the migrant crisis that has overwhelmed the southern border in recent months — accusing her of “inaction” on the crisis due to her failure to visit the border.

“Despite being in the midst of a border crisis this country has not seen in two decades, Vice President Harris has not yet shown adequate interest in observing this crisis first-hand,” the 56 lawmakers, led by Rep. Glenn Grothman, R-Wis., wrote.

 “In the 85 days since the Vice President has been tasked with solving this crisis, she has yet to visit the border and meet with Border Patrol agents, Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) officials and local law enforcement officials.”

Grohtman stated that members of Congress listed in their letter, data indicating an increase in the flow of immigrants at the borders, and also mentioned that the problem of immigrants is not only related to those coming from Central America, but also crosses the borders of the United States from the south, immigrants from Russia, Brazil and other countries.

Republican members of Congress have also criticized Harris’ approach to resolving the crisis.

“This country cannot afford another minute of inaction from Vice President Harris,” the lawmakers tell Biden as they urge him to replace Harris as the point-person for the crisis. “While you have publicly defended the Vice President, even you must be discouraged with her inaction.”

Biden began his career as President of the United States, by repealing restrictions on immigration imposed by his predecessor, Donald Trump. On March 24, Biden commissioned Harris to negotiate immigration with Mexico and other countries.

The letter stated that Biden said when appointing his vice president to oversee the border crisis: “I can’t find someone more suitable for this.”