Cristiano Ronaldo: quarantined because of Corona

All sporting events in Italy have been canceled until at least April 3.

Cristiano Ronaldo has been forced to remain in quarantine at his home in Madeira, after tests have confirmed that Juventus teammate Daniel Rogani was infected with the Coruna virus.

Doctors said that everyone who called Rojani should be subject to quarantine.

Ronaldo and Rogani were behind closed doors in the changing room on Sunday when Juventus beat Inter Milan 2-0.

The Portuguese star had flown to his homeland to visit his mother, who had recently suffered a stroke, before the news came to him to stay in place instead of returning to northern Italy, where the disease spread and became in the most severe cases.

Portuguese newspapers published the news on its front pages, with Cristiano Ronaldo quarantined the news in both QUOTIDIANO SPORTIVO and ABOLA.

Rojani is the second professional footballer to have been infected with the Coronavirus, after Hanover team defender Timo Hoppers, who is currently quarantined.

Quarantine (QUARANTINE) is a procedure for people who have been exposed to an infectious disease, and that is if they are sick or not.