France was late to announce the incident .. Two Muslim women were stabbed in front of their children at the Eiffel Tower


In light of a campaign launched by the French authorities against Islamic individuals and associations under the pretext of combating “extremism”, following the killing of a teacher, attacks and threats against Muslims and mosques have been observed recently. 

The police and the Paris prosecutor confirmed an investigation had been opened for attempted murder, after two French Muslim women of Algerian origin were stabbed at the Eiffel Tower by two French women. 

The attack took place last Sunday evening, but the authorities did not issue any statement or indication about it before Tuesday, which sparked outrage and indignation from commentators on social networks, as pictures of the crime scene were circulated.

According to details published by the French press, the two Muslim women Kenza (49 years old) and her cousin Amal – who is a few years her junior – were attacked in front of their children while they were walking around the Eiffel Tower. 

The matter began with an altercation punctuated by racist insults by the two suspected women when they released their dogs without restraint towards that family, then began to repeatedly stab them while screaming, “Go back to your country,” and “O filthy Arab.” Kenza – who was stabbed 6 times – was taken to the hospital, and it was found that she had suffered a puncture in the lung, while Amal’s hands were operated on. 

The Paris prosecutor confirmed the arrest of two women – whose names have not been revealed – as part of an investigation on charges of attempted murder.

Meanwhile, Interior Minister Gerald Darmannan said that he had asked local authorities to place mosques in the cities of Bordeaux and Beziers (southwest) under police protection after they had been subjected to threats or violence. 

The minister wrote on Twitter on Wednesday that “such actions are unacceptable on the territory of the Republic.” “France Blue” radio reported – on its website late on Tuesday evening – that officials of the Al-Rahma Mosque in Beziers had filed a complaint with the police after receiving hate messages on Facebook, including a call to burn the mosque. 

The radio station displayed a message on Facebook – subsequently deleted – calling for the honor of the French teacher who was killed on Friday by burning the Bezier mosque.