Neanderthals were the food of giant birds


Neanderthal or Neanderthal is one of the species of the genus Homo that settled in Europe and parts of Western Asia and Central Asia, and its effects that were found in Europe date back to about four hundred thousand years ago, and became extinct from them about forty thousand years ago. 

A recent, unpublished study found that the meat of this human was one of the favorite foods of giant birds that lived in that period, and their evidence for that was the bones of a hand discovered recently by a child Nyadrtali it was clear that a huge bird had chewed it. 

The “Science in Poland” public information service described small bone fragments – no more than a centimeter long – found in a “cinema cave” in southwestern Poland. said these 115,000-year-old bones are the oldest human remains discovered in the country.

The study’s co-author, Professor of Jagiellonian University Paul Valde-Nowak, told “Science in Poland” that analyzes show that this is the result of the passage of bones into the digestive system of a large bird, and this theory is supported by the fact that the bones are covered with dozens of holes, and it is believed that the age of the child was between five And seven years at the time of the attack. 

A full analysis of the bones is published in the journal Palaeolithic Archeology, helping to determine which type of Homo the child belongs to, but for the time being the team is quite certain that it is Neanderthal.