UK Cold Weather Payment: Who is eligible, and what temperature does it have to be before it is paid

The Cold Weather Payments in Great Britain are set to be sent out between 1 November and 10 December 2021. For every seven consecutive days of cold weather between November 1, 2021, and March 31, 2022, recipients will be given 25 pounds.

Once there is seven days of sub-zero weather in your local area, your payment will be a fortnight away.

Who is eligible for the Cold Weather Payments?

While the Winter Fuel Allowance is down to when you were born, with this aimed at helping the older members of society, the Cold Weather Payments cover a wider range of people.

Those receiving Pension Credit will most likely also be able to claim the Cold Weather Payment, and if you either have a disability or have a child under the age of five, you will typically qualify.

You will be eligible if:

You receive Income Support or Jobseekers and have a disability pensioner premium, a child under five or receive a Child Tax Credit connected to a disability

You currently qualify for Income-related Employment and Support Allowance (ESA) and are in a work-activity group

You are eligible for ESA and have a severe or enhanced disability premium, a pension premium, a disabled child (or Child Tax Credit connected to a disability), or a child under five.

You get Support for Mortgage Interest (SMI) and have a severe or enhanced disability premium, a pension premium, a disabled child (or Child Tax Credit connected to a disability), or a child under five.

You are unemployed, on Universal Credit and are either limited in your ability to work or have a disability.

You are unemployed, on Universal Credit and have a child aged under five.
